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The concept

kasimir 2

KASIMIR – Your cargo bike

  • allows free rental of cargo bikes for all.
  • stands for the idea of the common goods: sharing instead of individual consumption.
  • advocates a rethink in urban mobility and stands for resource conservation & traffic calming.
  • promotes neighbourly coexistence through the station concept: the loan and return is not anonymous, but alternates between cafés, private individuals and social institutions.
  • is there to try out and multiplier for the use of cargo bikes in cities.

Commons cargobikes

Free cargo bikes are available in more than 30 cities in the German-speaking countries!
Free cargo bikes are available in about 100 cities, especially in German-speaking countries!

KASIMIR – Your cargo bike is part of the movement of the commons cargo bikes. Further detailed information on the concept of free cargo bikes and an overview of all initiatives in the German-speaking countries can be found on

KASIMIR – Your cargo bike uses the open WordPress plugin CommonsBooking to handle online bookings.